Dall’Imm. Past Governatore Salvatore Chianello
Cari Amici,
con immensa gioia Vi comunico che il Past President del Kiwanis International Bert West ha insignito me e il segretario distrettuale Carlo Assenza del riconoscimento di Distinto e di Pinnacle District.
Un prestigioso riconoscimento che premia l’impegno nostro e di tutta la squadra che ha operato nell’anno kiwaniano appena trascorso.
Un grazie di cuore al C.d.A., ai Luogotenenti, ai Chair, ai Presidenti, ai Soci e a tutti coloro che mi hanno sostenuto. Un ringraziamento particolare al mio mentore Giuseppe Bertini ed al Responsabile del Progetto Key Club Rachelina Orsani, grazie a Loro oggi il Distretto Italia San Marino è nell’olimpo dei Pinnacle District in continuità con i Past Governatori.
Qui di seguito la lettera ricevuta da Bert West e l’elenco dei distretti premiati.

Congratulations on being a 2022-23 Pinnacle District Governor and Secretary,
We will be celebrating distinguished and pinnacle districts at the kickoff session during the KI Convention. You and one guest are invited to attend a special dinner on Wednesday, July 3, 2024 at the Ellie Caulkins Opera House. Your ticket is complimentary, and your guest’s ticket will be available for purchase. Details on ticketing will be sent at a later date.
If you have not yet registered for convention, please do so at: https://www.kiwanis.org/members/kiwanis-convention/registration-options/
Also, you can avoid shipping fees by picking up supplies for your club at the 2024 KI Convention. Be prepared for the year and save time and money by preordering member pins, officer pins, recognition certificates, event supplies and more.
Place your order online at the Kiwanis Family Store by June 1, 2024, and select the option to pick up at the convention in Denver, Colorado, U.S. You’ll find your order waiting for you at the Kiwanis Family Store in Kiwanis Marketplace. While you’re there, you can shop for convention-exclusive products as well.
We look forward to seeing you in Denver!
Bert West
2022-23 President Kiwanis International